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Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Going Better
Stacey has been doing better. We don't know if it's just between problem times or the medicines are working just yet, but she's doing better right now. We've been able to get out of the house a little and go to town and eat and shop for groceries. Today, I went to the mum patch and mowed with the finish mower to clean things up so we can maybe start digging mums. There are a few that need to be dug and sold that have bloomed earlier than they were supposed to bloom.
Posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Daily Dog Run
This morning, Stacey was in great condition, so she backed the Mule out
of the barn and I let Daisy out of the dog pen.
loading Daisy in the back of the Mule, Stacey drove to the mum patch as
I took a couple pictures of the patch showing a few of the blooming mums
and one of the hottest pepper plants I've ever tasted.
let Daisy out down by the creek and she took off running and jumping
through the hay field until we made the turn at the bend in the creek.
She went through the deep water and then up on the dry rocks with water
flying off her.
we finished our ride, I led Daisy to the barn stall as Stacey filled her
bowl with food. Then Stacey parked the Mule in the barn and I noticed a
bee working on the inside of a big yellow bloom in the driveway.
Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008
Big Cruise In
We had been watching the weather to see if the rain was going to miss
Burkesville, it looked like it would, so we decided to take the 1956
Chevy to J&D Food Mart for a "Big Cruise In" of hot rods and old cars.
Linda followed me in the truck so we would have a vehicle to return to
the house to pick up the chairs and camera. We arrived slightly after 4
PM and there were already a few cars lined up. I was told where to park
our car and then sent inside to register. I picked up a cold drink while
I was inside, then went back out and roamed around chatting with people
as they pulled in and parked their cars and trucks. After about an hour,
Linda, Stacey and I went back to the house, got our chairs and the
camera, then went back to the "Big Cruise In" and began taking pictures
of the vehicles. Below are a few of the cars and trucks that were on
display. You can click on the smaller pictures and a larger version will
open. Then click back if you need to return to this page.
"Big Cruise In" was sponsored by Jimmy and Dorothy Patterson who are the
owners of J&D Food Mart and J&D Bait Shop along with Kelsey Bow the
owner of Kelsey Auto Detailing. There was a band playing music and there
were drawings for door prizes too. About 8 PM a light mist of rain began
and a few people started their cars and left. As it began to rain
harder, more and more cars headed for home. It was fun while we were
there until the rain started. The turn out of cars was pretty good!
to the sponsors of the "Big Cruise In"
One of my
lifelong friends was there on his motorcycle, Chuck Strange, who had a
liver transplant earlier in the summer and it was great to see him
riding his Harley and enjoying himself again.
Montgomery Chevy GMC will be presenting the 3rd annual "Cumberland River
Cruisin" on October 4th beginning at 9 AM at their dealership on KY 90.
more information you can email: lhubbs@alexmontgomery.com
or call 800-766-9600.
Posted on Sunday, September 07, 2008
Julie Is Saying A Few Words
Pauline, Brent and Julie came over around 8 PM Friday evening just as we
were getting home from the "Big Cruise In". We talked a while then went
to bed a little early because they were all a little sick with coughs.
morning Linda fixed breakfast and we played with Julie as the weather
outside was cool and a light mist was falling. Brent and I took the Mule
with the black trailer and the tractor to a spot in the creek where a
huge oak tree had fell earlier in the summer. The leaves were off and
all we had to do was cut the big limbs and use the tractor to load them
on the trailer behind the Mule. It took about an hour to cut them into
pieces that would fit on the trailer, load them, and drive back to the
farm. My neighbor, Steve helped us unload the logs with the tractor and
a chain. After finishing that and putting up the tractor and Mule, Brent
and I went inside and ate a late lunch. We piddled around the rest of
the day, enjoying playing with Julie and the dogs.
Sunday morning
after breakfast we sat on the back porch and let Julie play on her
riding car for a long time. Julie has been saying a few words and is
putting two words together now. Evidently, her baby sitter is telling
one of the kids to "get down" and Julie has picked that up.
and I hung up a new USA Flag on the front of the barn and Julie said our
dog's name, "Daisy" real plain while we were in the barn with Daisy. We
had lunch, watched the NASCAR race while some of the girls took naps,
then PB&J left for home around 4:30 PM.
Posted on Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Meeting Some Friends
Stacey, Linda and I met Jason for breakfast this morning at Jone's Restaurant We chatted with him while eating and after finishing and paying we left and drove to Byrdstown, TN. We went through Byrdstown and turned towards Star Point on Dale Hollow Lake. We veered off and stopped at Bonnie and Donnie Cox's cabin to visit with them. They had called and said they were down for a while and asked us to come over. We talked about their daughter's recent wedding and several other things including how Stacey had been getting along. After a few hours, we said 'so long' and headed towards home. We stopped at the Farm House Restaurant for lunch around 1 PM, then continued towards home. Linda worked the afternoon at the day care.
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Cabinet
Yesterday, Stacey, Linda and I headed to Columbia for lunch, then went
on to Greensburg and stopped at Central Furniture to look around. We
found a corner cabinet that we liked, so today, we headed back in the
truck. We took the aluminum cans that Stacey crushes and there were 49
lbs of cans and Stacey received $29.50 in exchange. Not bad for just
keeping the cans that we drink and then hauling them in on our way to
eat lunch. After lunch, we went on to Central Furniture and purchased
the cabinet. They had me pull around back and they loaded it in the back
of the truck and we were out of there in less than twenty minutes. I
drove home and Linda and I unloaded the cabinet and carried it in the
front door. After a trial fit, I decided I had to cut a hole in the back.
hole was so I could plug in a power strip to the wall outlet. The
cabinet sets so close to the wall that it would bend over the plug-in. I
drilled four holes and cut between them with a jig saw, then slid the
cabinet into the corner and started hooking up the connections to the PC
that sits in the bottom part of the cabinet. I set the keyboard and
mouse on the slide out shelf and then the monitor and speakers in the
upper section. There is a lot of extra room for peripherals and other
items on an upper shelf too.
Posted on Friday, September 12, 2008
A Kitchen Window For Regina
Earlier this summer, the people with the highway relocation company told
Regina that she would lose her space for her flower garden. She asked if
we would take a few pictures of them for her, so we did. Linda had some
old windows that had been taken down at the Jone's Chapel Church, where
Regina attends, and Linda thought it would be nice to make a large
picture and mount it in the back side of one of the windows for Regina.
So, I ordered a 28" by 40" enlargement from an internet company and had
it delivered to our house. Regina painted one of the old window frames
and Linda and I rounded up a large piece of cardboard and rubber cement
to mount the picture to the back side of the window.
the picture was in the window frame, we took it and went to Regina's
house and put some mounting hardware on the window frame and hung it
over a place for a wood stove to exhaust the smoke out of the house into
the chimney. Regina had a small dry sink setting under the window frame
and it fit in the area nicely.
seemed really pleased with the way it all turned out.
Posted on Monday, September 15, 2008
Mum Digging
The remainder of Hurricane Ike passed north of our area, but we received a small amount of rain and cooler temperatures over the weekend. We decided the weather was good for digging mums, so we took the Mule and hooked the hay wagon to the back and drove to the patch. The digging was a little easier than before, but still, the ground was hard. I dug about 40 mums as Linda potted them and Stacey set the pots on the hay wagon. We had a guy stop and buy 5 while we were digging, so I had to dig 5 more to replace those. Linda and Stacey went to their Home Makers' meeting after Linda returned home from working at the day care.
Posted on Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Cutting Hay
Tuesday, Phil cut the hay in the small field across from our house. This morning Stacey and I took Daisy for a run down at the other farm and Leonard was cutting that hay. I think the small field will be ready for me to bale Friday and the other field should probably be ready Saturday. Steve stopped by this evening and said he cut his hay today and thought we could bale it Saturday too. Everywhere I look, it seems hay is being cut because the next week to ten days is supposed to be dry weather.
Posted on Friday, September 19, 2008
Hay Baling
This morning Linda went to work at the school till 11 AM. Stacey and I
took Daisy for a run and found Leonard raking the hay. We stopped and
talked for a few minutes and then went on our way. We loaded Daisy in
the back of the Mule and headed back to the farm. As we were putting the
Mule in the barn, a lady stopped and bought mums. We went inside and
around 10:30 Linda returned home and said Phil was raking the hay across
the road. We had a sandwich for lunch, then she went with me to the
equipment shed to help hook the hay baler to the tractor. I had removed
the bush hog and finish mower yesterday, so it was fairly simple to hook
up. I pulled the baler out of the shed and then hooked the hay wagon to
the other tractor. I drove the tractor across the road and setup the
baler to bale, then hooked the hay wagon to the back. I baled a few
bales to make sure it was working, then stopped and waited a few minutes
for Steve and Steve to show up. About 5 minutes later, they arrived and
we started baling the hay. After the wagon was full, we unhooked it, and
Steve pulled it to the barn with the little tractor. I backed the wagon
in the hay loft and Steve and Steve started throwing off the hay bales
and stacking them in the hay loft. I went back to the other tractor and
finished baling the remainder of the hay in the field and letting it
drop on the ground. I believe we had around 130 bales altogether. I set
the baler in the travel position and then went to see how they were
doing unloading the wagon. They were almost done, so I helped finish the
unloading, then we drank a cold pop. After a short rest, we took both
tractors and a wagon and headed to the other hay field. We baled it as
quickly as we could and then hauled the hay on the wagon back to the
barn and parked the wagon in the barn loft. I decided to leave those 45
bales of hay on the wagon. Steve took Steve down to his house in our
Mule while I took the small tractor and picked up the extra hay wagon.
We both returned to the farm and then I took Steve down to his house. I
thanked both of them and we made plans to bale Steve's hay tomorrow
around 1 PM. I returned to the farm and Linda, Stacey and Regina were
just getting home from selling mums.
Pauline, Brent and Julie came
over to the farm about 7:30 PM and we played with Julie until nearly 11
PM. Julie found a Care Bear outfit that Linda had bought and Brent put
it on her. I think Care Bears are one of her favorite toys right now.
Stacey and Julie played in the front bedroom for a long time with
building blocks too.
Posted on Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Long Day
We had breakfast this morning and then went to town a few minutes after
10 AM. Pauline wanted to check out the quilt competition at the Blue
Grass Festival. She took 3 quilts but was unable to enter them in the
competition because she was two days too late. Stacey, Julie, Brent and
I walked around the park grounds and bought a couple lemon shake ups
while Pauline and Linda were checking out the quilts. After everyone had
seen what they wanted to see, we loaded up and went to Hamilton's BBQ
for lunch, then back to the farm. Steve Riddle called slightly before 1
PM and said they were ready to bale hay, so Brent and I headed out
there. Brent drove the small FarmTrac with the hay wagon behind it and I
took the Ford tractor with the hay baler behind it. Steve Anderson was
raking the hay into wind rows as we arrived. I pulled the hay baler
through the gate and then we hooked the hay wagon to the back of the
baler and started baling. Pretty soon, we had a full wagon load and
unhooked and used the small tractor to pull the wagon to the barn. We
unloaded that wagon load and went back to the field and did it all over
again. By this time, Steve Anderson was done raking and had joined Brent
and Steve on the wagon.
put another wagon load in the barn and Linda, Pauline, Julie, Stacey and
Jason came up. Pauline and Julie were riding in the Mule with Nancy and
having fun hanging around. Jason and Stacey were talking and watching
the hay baling operation.
we were putting the third wagon load of hay in the barn, Julie put on a
show. She stood on the hay wagon and when we would say, "dance dance
dance" she would sort of dance around on the wagon, then giggle. It was
cute. We ended up with three full wagon loads and about a half load for
a total of 315 bales. They were full size bales and good weight. We
finished just before dark and headed home with our lights on but able to
see. I backed the hay baler in the equipment shed and we went inside to
find Linda had made several home made pizzas and they were ready as we
walked inside. Good timing. Tommy came and picked up Jason after Jason
finished eating. A few quick showers and a little bit of TV, then to bed
early for everyone.
Posted on Monday, September 22, 2008
Mums and Fall Colors
Sunday, everyone but Julie was a little slower getting out of bed. She
was going strong. Brent and I was taking it slowly and just watching TV.
Later, I drove to Steve Anderson's house and Brent with me to see where
he lives. PB&J went home around 4:30 PM after we watched the NASCAR
race. We left the last load of hay on the wagon Friday and it is sitting
in the barn loft and I'm hoping to sell it right off the wagon.
has mums setting in front of the barn that are for sale.
loaded Daisy in the Mule and headed across the creek. Larry has rolled
the hay and picked up the rolls and hauled them away. Daisy really
enjoys running when the hay has been cut, it's like she has more freedom
and can see the entire field. She has been going through the creek and
playing in the water too.
are a few leaves that are changing colors around the barn back in the
'holler'. The sky was clear and blue this morning during our ride around
the farm. The mums are blooming and are really beautiful this year.
Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2008
First Day Of Fall
After breakfast, Stacey and I took Daisy for a run around the hay fields and Daisy ran up on a small racoon. It was setting in the edge of the hay field and Daisy had it in her mouth only about 10 seconds. She shook the racoon and I yelled at her, she dropped it when I yelled, but it was too late for the racoon, it died. I put Daisy in the Mule and took her back to the barn without letting her mess with the racoon any more. We took mums to the school and sold them to the people that had ordered from Linda, then ate lunch and returned to the farm. Linda went to work at the day care. Then about 3:30 PM, I noticed Stacey was having problems, so I called and Linda came home to help with Stacey. I gave Stacey 15 mg of Valium at 3:50 PM and we gave her 10 mg more Valium at 5:40 PM. We set with Stacey the rest of the evening and her involuntary movements remained fairly well controlled.
Posted on Friday, September 26, 2008
Billy Currington Concert
We met Jason for breakfast this morning, then checked on the progress at
NAPA on the 1956 Chevy. They had the new starter on the engine, the gas
tank mounted and were working on replacing the fuel filters. We then
dropped Jason off at Houchens and returned to the farm. We found money
in the can where people had stopped and bought mums, so we went to the
mum patch and dug enough mums to fill the black trailer. As we pulled it
to the barn, more people stopped and bought some of the mums we had just
dug. Sales are picking up it seems. A little after noon, we went to pick
up the 56 Chevy and it was done. I paid and drove it home. Once home, I
tried the new starter a few times and it worked well. Linda sold a few
more mums and we went inside to get ready for the Billy Currington
concert in Glasgow. We each took showers and dressed, then left to pick
up Jason at his grandparents' house in town. We picked him up at 4 PM
and then headed towards Glasgow. Stacey and Jason decided that we should
eat at Tumbleweeds, so we stopped there for supper. Our meals were
excellent and so was the service.
eating we went and parked at the Courthouse Square in Glasgow and walked
around the square to see some of the booths, then checked out the gazebo
on the square before going in the Plaza Theatre.
seats were in row F and fairly close to the center of the stage. At 7
PM, after a few announcements, Billy Currington and his band came out
and played for about an hour.
took a couple of minutes break time, as the crowd cheered, then they
came back and played for about another half hour as their encore.
Currington was a good performer, but his sound equipment wasn't so good.
It was hard to tell what he was singing as the sound wasn't clear. With
better sound equipment I think the concert would have been much better.
It wasn't that is was too loud, just not the sound quality of other
groups we've seen at the Plaza.
Posted on Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hog Roast At Garmons' Cabin
This morning, Linda went out early and headed to the mum patch by
herself. I waited on Stacey and then we headed down there on a
4-wheeler. Linda had dug several mums and then I took over the digging.
After digging a few, we had several people stop and buy some of the ones
we had dug. One couple wanted pumpkins, gourds and a bale of hay, so we
had to return to the farm and get those items for them. Linda watered
the mums that we had dug and we set them out of the Mule. We went inside
for a while and Linda fixed a dish to take to the hog roast up on Jone's
Ridge. Steve and Phillip Garmon had asked us to come up for a hog roast
a few days ago while they were cutting our hay. I loaded 3 of our lawn
chairs in the back of the Mule, put some cans of pop in a cooler with
some ice and Linda set her dish in the back. Linda, Stacey and I pulled
down to the barn and Linda and I set in 4 potted mums to give to Betty
Garmon. We drove the Mule to Garmon's cabin and there was already a
fairly good size crowd of people. We pulled up and set the four mums on
the cabin's front porch.
pig was being smoked in a large smoker on wheels and people were
mingling around, talking and playing Corn Toss. Everyone seemed to be
having a good time and the weather was just cloudy enough to keep the
heat down but not worry anyone about rain.
were taking the meat out a little at a time and putting it into tin foil
pans that were covered and the ladies were preparing the dishes for the
guests to start dipping out their portions. Just before the meal, a
prayer was said and then the guests were asked to join in a semicircle
for a few pictures to be taken.
the food was made available and the line formed for each person to fix
their own plate with whatever they liked. There was plenty of food even
after the entire line had passed through. Steve Garmon told me there
were over a hundred people there when the food had been served. It was a
nice hog roast with friendly people and perfect weather.
to the Garmon Family for their hospitality.
We returned to
the our farm to find that we had sold more mums while we were away, so
we dropped off the chairs and headed down to the mum patch again. Nancy
and Steve crossed the highway in their Mule and Steve helped dig some
mums while Linda potted them. After filling the back of both Mules, we
headed to the barn. I went ahead and used the tractor to scoop water out
of the creek and pour it in the 100 gallon water tank so that Linda
could water the mums that had just been dug. Regina and Linda sat in the
hallway of the barn while Stacey and I took Daisy for a run around the
hay fields across the creek.
Posted on Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Mum Deliveries
We dug mums last evening until it was too dark to see which ones were
ready to dig. Regina and Linda watered them at the front of the barn by
the streetlight. This morning, Linda had to pot some of the larger mums
into bigger pots that a woman had brought to have filled. I loaded those
in the back of the pickup truck along with some smaller mums with help
from Stacey and Linda. They were standing by the truck as I walked
around to get in the driver's seat, so I snapped these pictures as we
were almost ready to leave for town to deliver the potted mums.
the deliveries, we stopped and ate lunch before returning to the farm.