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Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Mule Sledding on Fresh Snow

Kyle & Pepper came to the farm to Mule Sled. The snow just started falling when they arrived and wasn't quite deep enough as the sun went down. The next morning the temperature was aound 10 degrees, but they were ready to go at 7 AM.
Julie, Kyle & Pauline sledding in front of the house and Daisy running through the hay fields alongside the Mule.
While they were here, Julie played in a JV basketball game for Edmonson County against Cumberland County. Edmonson County won the JV game but lost the varsity game. The second picture is Julie after taking her hair down from the braids. It is usually straight. :-)
Kyle dressed and ready to be pulled through the hay fields & Dave driving the Mule pulling him.

Posted by Dave at 10:22 AM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Nana & Roof Shingles

Stacey, Linda & I took Coco & Reece in the Silverado to Daleville Sunday. The drive was a little harder than normal due to the winds once we crossed the Ohio River. As I pulled into the driveway at the Daleville house, I noticed pieces of shingles from the roof laying on the driveway. I picked up a few and then unlocked the door. After we unloaded the truck, I took a look at the roof on the upwind side of the house. The pictures below are what I saw.
A few of the shingles were just flipped up, but others were gone.
We left the dogs in the house and went to visit Nana at the Bethany Point nursing home. When we arrived, Reba was standing up using her walker. We gave her hugs and talked with her until it was time for her to go to the dinning room. We walked with Nana and then left once she was seated at a table with other residents. During the week, Linda & Stacey went to visit with her and retrieved things from her place that she wanted. I remained at the Daleville house and took care of the dogs. The only problems were caused by people cleaning out the old fire station building and making noises that caused the dogs to jump off the couch and bark, incessantly! Steve Sargent had one of the guys that works for him repair the roof shingles with a couple new shingles and to put roofing cement/tar under the shingles to hold them down until the sun can heat the roofing enough to seal the shingles down to the rest of the roof.
Wednesday, we took Reece to see Nana at the nursing home. Reba was happy to see her dog when Reece jumped on the bed and they snuggled for several minutes. I led Reece while Nana walked with us through the lobby of the home as many of the residents reached down to rub Reece. Nana told most of them that Reece was her dog. We returned to Nana's room and Linda had one of the workers put the shadow box she had put together for Reba on the wall just outside her door. The boxes help the residents find their rooms and also lets the staff know a little bit about the person in the room and their lives before they were admitted. We visited with Nana for a couple of hours and she walked us to the door, said good bye to Reece and us as she went to the dinning room for supper.
Thursday morning we closed the house up and drove to the farm, only stopping at a rest area to let the dogs out for a few minutes. We unloaded the truck as soon as we were home, then took the dogs for a run with Daisy. I lost my cell phone during the ride. We returned the dogs to the house and looked, but never found it as it was raining.

Posted by Dave at 6:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Daleville, Farm

Friday, February 15, 2019

Flowers & Paint

Stacey received a vase of flowers from Jason for Valentine's Day. She liked them and posted a thank you on Facebook.
For about a week, Julianna Parham Painting had been working at our house. Julia used three colors of green to paint our living room, dinning room, kitchen and two hallways. A light green was used in the hallways, a medium green was used in the kitchen, living room and upper section of the dinning room with the lower section below the chair rail getting the darker green. She did an excellent job and made our house look new again on the inside walls.

Posted by Dave at 5:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas 2018

Friday, Julie & Kyle came to stay with us before Christmas because their parents were working. Linda had received a call from Imon about Nana falling. She had been taken to Indy for surgery and Linda couldn't decide whether to go be with her Mom or wait until after Christmas.
Saturday morning, Linda finally went to Indy, leaving me with Julie, Kyle & Stacey. We went shopping a little before noon, found Julie & Kyle a couple presents each, then went to Fazoli's for lunch and back to the farm. Back at the farm, I had Julie & Stacey brown hamburger. When it was done, I divided the meat, one batch for chili and the rest for Sloppy Joe sandwiches. We ate the sandwiches and let the chili cook.
Sunday morning, we made out a grocery list and went to Walmart. The store was nearly empty of shoppers, so the grocery shopping didn't take long. We returned to the farm and put the groceries away. Pauline & Brent arrived just as we finished putting the stuff away. Everyone went to Major's Pizza for lunch. We played some games and watched a few Christmas shows and ate chili for supper.
Christmas Eve, Pauline made breakfast for everyone and I cooked the ham. I sliced it later, after it cooled down. We had chili for lunch with PB&J sandwiches. Linda came home from IN about 2:30 that afternoon. We ate the ham with mashed potatoes, peas, corn casserole and rolls for dinner. Linda told us how her trip had went and what was going on with Nana.
Christmas, we had sticky buns for a quick breakfast before the gifts were opened.
It seemed to me, that everyone was happy with their gifts. It was good to have Linda back with us for Christmas. She told us all that Reba's surgery had went well and the therapist had her Mom standing up the day after her surgery. Reba will need a few days of therapy before going home, but that should happen quickly. I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Posted by Dave at 9:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Freezing Rain

An early winter storm went south of the farm leaving us out of the snow but coating the trees with a light layer of ice. The freezing rain delayed schools in the area for a couple of hours even though the roads were warm enough that the rain did not freeze on them.

Posted by Dave at 6:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Farm Camp Out

Stacey, Linda & I hosted family & friends, beginning Friday afternoon and ending Sunday about noon, for the 'Fall Camp Out 18' at Norris Farm. Below are the pictures that are not in any specific order and were taken by Jessica, Molly, Shelly and myself. Clicking these small images will open larger ones.

Posted by Dave at 5:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Since we moved to KY over 20 years ago, I haven't seen that many sunsets. Our farm is in a valley and the sun disappears from our view before it passes the horizon. With the drone, I now have the capability to capture sunsets at the best times, thanks to the drone's ability to fly above the height of the hilltops.

Posted by Dave at 9:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Saturday, June 09, 2018

Hay Done Road Repaved

When we returned home from IN, all the hay had been cut and rolled. The fields looked a little brown because there had not been any rain fall since the hay was cut.
I flew the drone and took inventory of the rolls and the condition of the fields. I flew it down the creek to our other fields and hovered to take several pictures, snapped a couple on the way back and then returned to the farm house.
The new pavement on SR 61 was laid while we were in IN. I was delighted they paved over the rumble strips that had been ground into the previous pavement The noises from those things are annoying as people are either passing another vehicle or trying to see what is going on in our driveway. :-)
I snapped a couple more pictures as I was landing the drone. We park our Mules in the back loft of the old barn.

Posted by Dave at 6:30 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tadpoles Into Frogs

Julie, Kyle, Linda & Stacey had been watching a puddle along the edge of the creek that was a breeding ground for thousands of tadpoles. Each of the black dots in the picture are tadpoles turning into frogs.
When we stopped the Mule and looked around, little bitty frogs were hopping all around the water hole. One landed on the rock and I took a quick picture.
Julie caught several in her hand and put a dandelion bloom along side for size comparison.
The frogs are so small up beside Kyle's thumb nail.

Posted by Dave at 6:30 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Heart In KY

Linda & Brent picked out a piece of barn siding and put together nails and string to make a piece of art I called, "Our Heart Is In KY".
Linda made another one, then donated one to benefit the Democratic Party of Cumberland County. We took one to the Daleville house and hung it on the wall.

Posted by Dave at 7:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Berry Picking Time

Schools out! Julie & Kyle are staying at the farm for nearly two weeks. Lucky for them, the strawberries are ripe. Stacey, Linda and I had already picked a tub full two days earlier, this time J & K had easy pickings and came to the house with a full gallon. I'm not sure how many they ate, doesn't matter, I hope they filled their bellies.
Julie wanted to help make the jam so we worked together and made 2 batches that ended up being 10 half pints. They're sealed and ready to eat or save for later.

Posted by Dave at 6:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Garage Walls Up

Linda wanted to go to IN to help clean out her Mom's house on Broadway, so we headed to Daleville. Imon and Linda worked together a day and removed a lot of stuff. Steve Sargent's crew had erected the walls for our garage.
The second and third days, Stacey, Linda and I worked together. I held the bags, she filled them as she sorted, Stacey carried the bags to the front porch. We made several trips to various dumpsters as we unloaded a lifetime of things no longer wanted. When we returned to the farm, it was nice to have beautiful weather for a welcome home.

Posted by Dave at 4:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Daleville, Farm

Friday, April 06, 2018

Grandparent's House

I talked Linda and Brent into helping me clean up around my grandparent's old house. Hytie and John Parrish were my Mom's parents and lived in the house. I can remember sleeping in the bedroom when I was about 5 or 6 years old. It has been nearly that long since anyone has lived in it, while trees, vines & time have been taking its toll. I started the clean up a few days earlier by bush hogging as close as possible, then Brent cut a few trees and I hauled them to our brush pile at the other end of the field. A day or two later, Linda & I used loppers and the pole saw to clear the brush & briars that were closer to the house.
Pepper, Daisy, Poco & Coco make up the family's dog pack. Pepper & Daisy run the trails while Poco & Coco ride, but they all enjoy having a new place to sniff.

Posted by Dave at 5:30 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Tiller for Strawberries at Easter

Early in March I had ordered, from Tractor Supply Co, a 48" tiller to use behind the New Holland 55 tractor. It came to the Columbia store and we picked it up on the 23rd using the lawn mowing trailer behind the red truck. Back at the farm, I unloaded the tiller with the scoop on the tractor and set it down in the pole barn. Some assembly was required along with servicing the unit with oil and grease before use.
It rained a lot while I was working in the pole barn on the tiller, but the creek didn't get out of the banks during the day. The next morning I did have some debris in the fields where the creek had risen during the night. I went to work removing the debris early, before the rain had stopped, being careful not to make tire ruts in the fields. That way, the debris I missed would be washed down into the fields by the rain almost like it never happened.
In a few days time, the ground had dried enough. so I was ablt to till 3 rows next to our old strawberry patches and 5 more rows in the area where the old house trailer used to set. We left about 5' between the rows of strawberrys for grass walkways.
Saturday morning, Brent's family came over and around noon we planted 200 strawberry plants. Brent & I set the stakes for the twine string that had marks on it for the plant spacing. Then we made the holes for the plants with Julie and Pauline planting as Linda & Stacey separated the plants and handed each one to them. Kyle did the stepping and fetching for all of us. I think we had the planting completed in about an hour.
We also had a ham dinner with pies and other good stuff. Oh, and Julie & Kyle enjoyed an Egg Hunt with candy and loose change inside plastic eggs.

Posted by Dave at 8:00 PM
Categories: Current Events, Farm

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Start A New Year

Between Christmas and New Years, Stacey's desktop computer bit the dust. We found a new Acer all in one to replace it. When it arrived, we set it up and also let Stacey join Facebook. She has been enjoying having her iTunes working again to listen to music and learning her way around FB.
Friday night it was supposed to start sleeting and maybe snow.
Saturday morning we woke up to about 2 inches of the white stuff. Usually when this happens the snow melts before the next night, but this time the forecast is for temperatures below freezing for the next week. I took our drone outside and flew it over the farm for a few minutes before we made any tracks in the snow.
As I was flying the drone back to land, I took this selfie with the drone. It is the best selfie I have taken! LoL
Since we are experiencing really cold temperatures, we have been keeping Daisy in the garage. We let her in the house several times during the day and she goes outside when the need arises. Stacey and Linda like this setup more than I, but I do enjoy it too.

Posted by Dave at 10:00 AM
Categories: Current Events, Farm