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Posted on Sunday, July 03, 2005
3rd of July Boating
Brent came over Saturday morning and we just messed around. We ate at
Hamilton's for lunch since Brent likes their stuff. We did water the
mums about 6:30 that evening.
Sunday we had planned to go to Dale
Hollow Lake and were to meet Bonnie & Donnie out there along with some
other people. We packed up our stuff early and headed toward the lake,
gassed up the boat and stopped at Grumpy's for breakfast. After
breakfast we drove to the lake and things went pretty well, there was a
small line of boaters waiting in line to launch. It took about 10
minutes on the dock and we were launched and boating away from the dock
by 9:45. We were supposed to meet the others between 10 and 11 but we
didn't have far to go. We made the trip easily and were just diving in
the water when B&D boated along side. They had some friends of Julie,
their daughter, with them. Susie and Gary Mader pulled up a few minutes
later. They had Gary's mom and her husband with them. We were all in the
water swimming and talking for a hour or two, but it started to cloud up
and the wind was picking up, so B&D had to take Julie and her friends
back to the cabin so they could head home. We decided to move southwest
to get away from the cloudy weather that was moving in, so we went over
to Pusley's Creek ate some ham sandwiches and tied up there. By the time
B&D returned the weather had passed on and we boated over toward Holly
Creek and found a cove south of there that was fairly quite. We laid
around in the water some more. About 4:30 Susan and Gary headed back to
Wisdom dock with B&D and us following, as they rounded the corner by
Trooper Island we waved bye and turned to follow Bonnie & Donnie over to
where Gary Brown had their houseboat docked. They were grouped with
about 8-10 other houseboats in a cove. We pulled up near their boat and
just talked for a while. Brent saw Jason Rockwell, one of his high
school buddies from the swimming team.After about 30 minutes there we
moved on, B&D wanted to head to Star Point so we followed them in and
said so long. We rode back to the KY State Park and took the boat out
about 5:30. The lake had been really busy, but it being so close to the
4th of July I had expected that.
Posted on Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Rain On The Mums
The 5th of July it rained on the mum patch. It packed the dirt down and we were planning on fertilizing them, so the 6th we used a hoe to bust up the dirt close to the plants. Linda fertilized each plant and then I ran our new tiller thru to cover the fertilizer and churn up the dirt. After I made two passes down each row with the tiller, Linda used the hoe to finish covering any fertilizer I didn't get covered. We worked till about 10:30 and went home for some quick PB&Js and back down to the patch. It was close to 2:30 when we quit. We had done about half the patch. Inside for a shower and hookup the red trailer to pull over to Brenda and Timmy's house. They are using it for Leslie's wedding decorations. We unhooked the trailer over there and talked with B&T for about an hour, Brenda showed us a lot of the decorations she has made. She did a really great job. After leaving B&T's house we went to Pauline and Brent's house. We headed from there in to Santa Fe's for dinner. Things went OK it seemed, they took our order and brought us drinks and bread. We talked and before long our waiter came over and said it was taking too long, and that all our dinners were free. We said thanks, but wondered what happened, none of us had bitched. So 5 of us ate and drank, and all we had to pay for was the beer Brent and I drank. We stayed at P&B's house for a little while and came on home.
Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005
The Rest of the Patch and Dale Hollow
So we got up early and headed to the mum patch again. We had the second
half of the patch to do. I said I would go ahead and get started hoeing
the dirt between the plants. So I went down and back enough to get 8
rows done and Linda and Stacey showed up and Linda did a couple rows. We
both said that we noticed our backs were still sore from the day before.
I finished hoeing the remaining rows, while Linda started the
fertilizing. Once again going thru with the tiller and Linda covering up
after me. We decided not to fertilize the biggest ones, but I tilled
them too. We were done.
I hooked up the Sea Ray and off to the lake.
Linda ran in at Subway and picked up some subs for the boat trip. We
launched the boat, found a cove, anchored and I went swimming to 'wash
off' the sweat from the mum work. Stacey and Linda munched down their
sandwiches and then went floating on the big blue mats. I munched down
mine with a couple Buds and it was time to relax. It was a smoother day
on the lake with less boats than the last time. We moved around a couple
more times and swam a lot too. We left the lake a little earlier than
normal to beat the rush of taking the boats out at dusk. On the way back
to the house, we took a side road and checked out the competition's mum
patch. We were shocked to see that he had lost maybe a couple hundred
plants. I think the difference is we have been able to water ours from
the creek.
Back at the house, Linda fixed up some BLTs with garden
Posted on Friday, July 08, 2005
More Rain
Linda left for Smith's Grove to help Brenda with Leslie's wedding
preparations. Stacey and I were left home, but we are going Saturday.
We were lucky to get a nice rain shower about 4 PM this afternoon. It was just
what our mums needed.
Posted on Sunday, July 10, 2005
Leslie's Wedding
Linda has been helping Brenda & Timmy Lawrence preparing for their
daughter's wedding. So Stacey and I went to Pauline & Brent's to meet up
with Linda. Everyone was ready and we left for the wedding. The church
was nearly full, with over 100 people, and the decorations were nicely
Leslie and David Cloyd were married at a church in Oakland
a little before 7 PM July 9th.
The reception was held in Bowling
Green. Linda and Brenda had the decorations looking great.The bride and
groom arrived and the party was started. There was a DJ for music while
the festivities were going on. Leslie and David cut the cake, toasted,
threw the garter, tossed the bouquet, danced for money and took best
wishes from friends and family. We left about 11:30 PM while Leslie was
still dancing.
Stacey, Linda and I stayed the night at P&B's.
Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Routine Visit
Stacey and I stayed in Burkesville while Linda took the Mustang and went
to Bowling Green. We had over a 1.5" of rain the night before and it was
still raining from hurricane Dennis.
Stacey went to see Dr Rice and
we were lucky to be seen quickly.Stacey had no seizure since the last
visit and the Dr was happy. We were in and out of the office in about 40
minutes. On to Pizza Hut to use the FREE BUFFET coupon my insurance
agent sent us. Stacey likes the instant service, of get it when you walk
Linda's day at Best Buy didn't go as well as hoped. They were
able to put the radio/CD/mp3 player in the dash, but had trouble getting
the speakers to play. 3 hours later, they had enough and told her to
bring it back next Friday. So when she got home she had the radio in
playing on about 2 speakers out of 6. She told me the installer said
'that car had electrical issues'.
Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2005
Two Days of Rain
Hurricane Dennis, downgraded to a tropical storm once it came ashore,
has dropped over 3" of rain on us, at least those are my measurements. I
was surprised by how well the mum patch soaked up the water or let it
run off. No gullies or drowned plants, so far, that I can see.
The rain has sure greened up our yard too. I had a nice break from mowing for
a while, but when I didn't have to mow, due to no rain, it meant that I
had to water the mums. It's a lot better to have the rain and enjoy the
green grass and hills all around us. But green grass means it must be
Posted on Friday, July 15, 2005
Done Raining? Time to Mow
It was still raining this morning, but quit about 9 AM. We couldn't mow yet, and weren't able to work in the mums so it had been a day to clean inside a little. We became secret spies about lunch time... We were going to Albany, so we took the 'scenic route' and checked out the competition's mums. They weren't as bad as they had looked the other day. 3 days of rain had helped them a lot. Well, on to Albany for lunch. Angus Burger at BK was my choice, with Linda and Stacey getting Whoppers. After coming home we started the mowing and trimming and worked on that until about 8PM. It looks like more rain for us tonight.
Posted on Monday, July 18, 2005
Campbellsville in a Convertible
I went to the mum patch this morning and was running the tiller through
the entire patch when Linda came down and started to trim the plants
with scissors. She had already done 8 rows of early yellow mums a day
ago, so her fingers were already tired and sore from making so many cuts
when she started. She trimmed one row while I finished tilling the
patch. It was decided to make a trip to Campbellsville to purchase some
battery powered 'grass trimmers'.
After a quick shower, we checked
the radar and headed out in the Mustang with the top down. The ride was
nice until we went thru Columbia, where the traffic was slower, but as
we left Columbia, it was good crusin' to Campbellsville. We made the
stop at Lowe's and found a Black&Decker trimmer we thought would do the
job. After buying those and stopping at Arby's for a little lunch we
motored on back home with the top down.
Whew, talk about hot, it's
like riding in the boat, but you can't jump into the water to cool off,
and you can't drink beer while you drive. I don't know about
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2005
A Bad Day on the Lake...
A bad day on the lake...
is better than a good day at work...
That's the saying that I've heard, and Tuesday was not a real good day
on the lake. It started out fine, but around 10:30 the clouds started
rolling in and blocking the sun. We had met Bonnie & Donnie and we all
decided to move farther SE of the Lillydale campground. That gave us
another hour, but eventually the rain started there also. We waited for
a slacking of the rain and made a quick run to Star Point and spent
about a half hour under their covered boat slips. Once the hard rain was
over we boated out in the middle of the lake and looked for some sun. We
could see it in the north, so we headed to Fannie's Creek to try to get
to some better weather. The sunny skies were further north and we were
unable to reach that area. We stayed there with short times of light
rain and partly cloudy the rest of the day. About 4:30 we decided to
head to the dock while there was a time without any rain. We loaded the
boat and tied down the tarp and headed for home. The closer we came to
home, it looked like less rain had fell. By the time we pulled the boat
in the shed, there had been no rain at the farm.
Clicking on the small map will load a PDF file.
Posted on Sunday, July 24, 2005
A Visit by Imon
Friday evening Pauline & Brent came over. We were expecting Imon and a
friend early Saturday.
Saturday we hung around waiting and watching
for their arrival, but no one showed up when we expected them, so we
went outside for a while, when we came back inside we had a message
saying they were going to be later. Then we received a cell phone call
saying they were on highway 61 headed towards Bardstown, I told them to
turn around, they were going the wrong way. About an hour later, another
call saying they were on the right road, but were stopped by a parade in
Summersville. Finally, Imon and Angie arrived about 3 PM. We spent the
rest of the evening visiting and hearing what had been going on with
them the last few weeks.
Sunday we decided to go to Dale Hollow, since it was too hot to do anything
else. We loaded up the cooler, hooked up the boat and headed towards the
lake. Everything went smooth and we were on the water in no time and
boating away from the dock. We soon stopped and everyone got wet to cool
down. It was only around 11 AM but already hot enough even the girls
were in the water without any remarks of being cold. After swimming a
while, we climbed aboard the boat and headed south to Ashburn Creek to
look for a few of ours friends. We didn't find anyone, so we moved on to
another spot and everyone dove back into the lake to cool down. After
that swim, we turned the boat towards Sunset Marina and made the run
down the lake to their docks. Once there, we tied up the boat and went
inside for a cool lunch. The air conditioning was a nice break from the
97 degrees outside. We ordered our food and went to the marina's store
to 'look' while the food was prepared, then back into the restuarant for
lunch and desserts. When everyone was finished, we loaded in the boat
and headed back towards KY State Park. After about a half hour ride, I
pulled into one of our favorite spots for one last dip in the lake to
cool down.
We took the boat off the lake about 5 PM and headed back
to the farm.
When we came inside, we had a message, telling us where
some of our friends were located on the lake. I guess we had missed them
by not going far enough into Ashburn Creek.
Posted on Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Mower Problems
Imon helped me load the John Deere mower into the back of the pickup and
then Angie and Imon left about 2 PM Monday and headed for Jasper IN to
see Angie's dad. Linda, Stacey and I took off for Glasgow to get the
mower fixed at the dealership. I believed the problem was the neutral
safety switch wouldn't let the mower start and seeing how the JD dealer
had worked on the transfer case not too long ago, I thought I would see
what they would do about fixing it. Once there, I backed the truck up to
the workshop door and the guys worked on my mower right in the back of
the truck, They had the seat, rear body, drive belt pulley, and several
other things off in about 5 minutes. They confirmed my assessment of
what the problem was and offered to order the part for me, saying it
would be in Wednesday. I didn't act like that was ok, so they offered to
wire around the switch. I took that offer and they put the mower back
together and it was started and running in about 20 minutes total time.
I asked how much I owed and the service manager said, "NO CHARGE."
Great,some thanks, and with a stop at Sonic for some shakes, we were on
our way home. I unloaded the mower at home and climbed on and started
the mower, drove towards the gas tank to fill up, but didn't make it
that far. The mower went dead. Would not do anything. Linda and I pushed
it back into the truck and I pulled the truck up the hill to the
driveway. It was too late to go back to Glasgow.
Tuesday morning
I started to Glasgow about 8 AM to find out what had happened to the
mower. I talked to the service man again and he said it was probably a
blown fuse. I went out and pulled them out so he could look like I had
done, but they used a light to shine thru the fuse and could see it was
blown. He gave me two fuses to put in and when I did the mower started 4
or 5 times and would continue running. Back at the farm I unloaded the
mower and mowed the little house yard just to see if the mower was going
to keep running. It did! By then, it was nearing noon and getting too
hot to mow, so I went inside to cool down and see what the girls were
Linda went out and began mowing later, I was using the tractor
to bush hog the trails around the hayfields and hollers. I also did
around the mums, while Linda was doing the front yard, old house yard,
and the barn lot. We quit about dark.
Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Major Thunderstorm Rolls Through
We had a pretty nice sunrise, but the weather turned about 10 AM. A slight rain had left a little over 1/4" of rain in the gauge when Linda looked. But then around 2 PM we had a thunderstorm come over. Lightning was all around, Cooter came to the door and waited to be let inside, he doesn't like when lightning and thunder are really close. The rain was coming down hard, the ducks were having a great time in the 'stream' of water running behind the house at the bottom of the hill. Our mulch in the flower bed was washing over the walkway and a stream of water was running down our driveway and across the highway. When the storm was over, I went outside and the rain gauge read 2-1/2". That was in less than an hour, so it was pouring down. The creek came up and was muddy for 4 or 5 hours too. Stacey, Linda and I rode the 4-wheelers down to see if the mum patch was flooded. There was a couple spots with puddles, with 3 or 4 mums with their roots under water. Overall, they looked pretty good.
Posted on Saturday, July 30, 2005
Mum Tilling
After getting several inches of rain, the mum patch had turned green.
Yep the mums were green, but there was grass growing in the patch too. I
went early Friday morning and tilled as close as I dared with the Mantis
tiller. It is a small and quite nimble tiller for getting close to the
plants. I ran that thru the patch length wise as the larger tiller
wouldn't go thru in that direction. The Mantis is a smaller tiller, but
harder on a person to use. I have to keep pulling back on the tiller and
try to keep it from 'hopping' and accidentally wiping out a plant.
Saturday morning, Linda went along and spread the fertilizer around each plant
once more. I then used the larger tiller to cover the fertilizer with
dirt. We stopped at 9:30 and I took a quick shower and we headed to
Corner Pool and Lunch for breakfast. We cruised into town with the top
down on the Mustang and ate.
In the afternoon we drove to Columbia,
had some Taco Bell stuff and quickly shopped at Wal-Mart. We put the top
down and rolled on home. I went to the mum patch and fininished the last
8 rows.