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Posted on Sunday, June 03, 2007
Company Comes
Saturday morning we went to Grumpy's and ate breakfast and then stopped
at the grocery store on the way home. Pauline and Brent came over a
little before 10 AM followed by Sabra and Jim Lindsey with their two
kids, Amber and Clayton. Clayton is about 8 months old and cutting
teeth. He seemed like a happy baby that is starting to crawl.
and Brent were able to get some experience with taking care of Clayton
and playing with Amber before their baby is born. Pauline is roughly a
month away from delivering.
and Brent were buddies from their high school days when they had been on
the Highland Swim Team and have been friends for nearly 20 years. Jim
carried Clayton in a pack he wore for a while when we went to the pond
and on other excursions during the weekend.
has a small pond at their house in IN, so she dug a few of the cattails
and other flowers to take back and plant. We gave her some slate rock
and they also dug a few ferns from back in the 'holler'.
had been experiencing a drought in our area for about 3 weeks, but
Saturday evening we had a cloud burst over the farm. It rained 2-1/2" in
less than an hour, so Sunday morning the creek had a little fresh water
and was flowing a little bit. Amber loved playing in the creek and so
did Sabra and Jim. Amber went to the creek several times during the
weekend and would come back to the house soaking wet from head to toe.
Sabra, Jim and Brent would take 4-wheeler rides through the creek and
come back wet too. Linda kept us full of food the entire weekend,
including a chocolate and lemon pie and it was nice for her to have
Clayton around. Linda enjoys babies and it gave Sabra a break from the
kids a little too. Sabra and Jim tried to pack as much fun as they could
into the weekend and stayed until 9:30 PM Sunday evening before starting
their 5-6 hour drive back to Anderson IN.
Posted on Wednesday, June 06, 2007
First Pass With Tiller
This morning the TV weather man was saying that it was in the lower 60s,
so I decided to go till the mums. A little after 5 AM, I went out to the
barn and hooked up the black trailer with the tiller on it to the back
of the Mule and headed to the mum patch. I became a little worried as I
pulled on to the highway because the fog was thick. My webcam doesn't
start saving pictures till 5:30 AM so it didn't get a shot of me
leaving, but check out the picture below and you will see it was still
fairly foggy at 6:33 AM.
was cool and I was able to go through the patch, stopping only at the
ends of the rows to wipe the sweat from my face. There weren't many
weeds in the patch yet, but the downpour of rain had pounded the ground
till it was hard packed. Busting it up with the tiller will inhibit the
growth of the weeds and also help with water absorption the next time it
rains. I finished and returned to the house a little before 7 AM.
ate a PB&J sandwich and went back on the tractor and mowed the area
around the patch with the finish mower. The survival rate of the plants
has been exceptional so far since we have watered them every other day
until it rained Saturday evening.
Posted on Thursday, June 07, 2007
Pumpkins and Gourds Planted
Linda worked at the day care so I went to the hay shed early and started
the Ford tractor and hooked the bush hog to the tractor and drove it to
the gravel bar in the creek. I chopped down the weeds and small trees on
the gravel bar because Linda has been picking up rocks there and wanted
it mowed down. Stacey and I went to Albany for lunch. In the afternoon,
Linda came home and with the temperature a little above 90 degrees we
decided to plant the pumpkins. I removed the bush hog from the tractor
and hooked the tractor to the disk. I went and disked the patch for the
pumpkins and the remainder of the small patch for the gourds. Linda and
Stacey picked up Regina in the Mule and drove down to the patch. I
finished the disking and returned the tractor to the hay shed after
unhooking the disk. I hooked the bush hog back up and then I went back
to the pumpkin patch on a 4-wheeler. Regina and Linda were making small
mounds of dirt and Stacey was planting the pumpkin seeds.
sent me back to the barn to pick up 3 ears of "Indian Corn" for them to
plant. I took it back to the patch and shelled half of 2 ears for them
to plant. They also planted gourds, smaller pumpkins and 'Apple Gourds'.
Posted on Friday, June 08, 2007
Pauline's Pregnancy Problem
Brent called me Friday about 10 AM and told me that Pauline had been to
the doctor's office for a checkup. Brent said the Dr had told Pauline
the baby was breeched
and that he would have to deliver it by Caesarean
section on June 23rd. Brent said that Pauline was upset. I mentioned
a few things he could say to help her understand that the Dr had
probably made the decision for the health of her and the baby. We talked
a few minutes and then he said he would call again when Linda came home
from working at the day care so Pauline could talk to her about the
C-Section. Later, Linda came home and Brent called. Pauline, Linda and I
talked a little while and I suggested we meet them in Glasgow to eat at
Tumbleweeds. It was agree that we would meet at 5:30, so we showered and
left. We arrived early, so we made a stop at TSC to check out some
prices, then met Pauline and Brent for supper.
we ate we talked about Pauline having the C-Section and other things.
Pauline was still a little upset but I think the shock had worn off and
she was making a come back. We finished eating and after a few goodbyes
headed back to the house.
Posted on Sunday, June 10, 2007
Edith Lovett Moving On
Dave is usually the person that keeps the Blog up to date, but I guess
this entry should be written by me. I had been working on a scrapbook
page and a Carrington Bear.
items were for a reception for Ms. Edith Lovett, who has been the
Cumberland County Homemakers Extension person for over 8 years and is
moving back home near Somerset. The reception was from 2 until 4 at the
Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, and when Stacey and I got there about
2:15, it was almost full.
Homemakers know this transfer to Pulaski County is something that Ms.
Edith needs to do in order to be with her husband that is having health
problems, but that does not make it any easier for any of us to accept.
were speeches, cake, punch, presents, and a digital camera that was
given to Edith by all the Homemakers, but most of all, there was a lot
of hugs and some tears, because everyone feels the same about Edith, she
is a very kind person that is always available to anyone that needs her.
She is going to be greatly missed in Cumberland County, and I know that
Pulaski County will soon realize how lucky they are to have her.
Posted on Tuesday, June 12, 2007
New Camera
I've been wanting a new camera for a while, so I ordered a Nikon D80
from Amazon the
other day and today UPS delivered it to the front door. They required a
signature for the camera and then handed it over to me. I was like a kid
at Christmas, I couldn't wait to get it open and start fiddling with it.
I had a memory card from the Kodak Z700 camera that also fits in the
Nikon, so I didn't have to order anything extra. I popped in the card
and then the batteries and began taking pictures of the living room to
find out how things worked. In years past, I had used several 35mm SLR
cameras and the Nikon was like most of those. One of the best things
about the camera is being able to see the pictures instantly and then
knowing how they turned out immediately. I erased the living room
pictures and went outside and found a few flowers to use for subjects.
flower beds have done fairly well even with the drought that has been
going on in KY.
purple flowers near the left of the picture above are in the closeups
below. Click the thumbnails and check out the bee on the flowers in the
larger images.
now my pictures will be better!
Posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Morning Mule Ride
After having a cup of coffee and a muffin, I grabbed the new camera and
went for a Mule ride. The first thing I noticed was a big frog in the
hole on the way down the driveway.
hear the frogs in the holes croaking a lot of the time and every once in
a while they will scare us by hopping in the water when we are mowing
near the holes. I continued down the road to the mum patch and took a
shot of the mums, showing where I had tilled around the patch to
eliminate grass that was encroaching on the patch.
then went across the creek and into the hay field. I looked back towards
the road and took a couple pictures of the hay rolls I had lined up a
few days earlier.
Anderson will be picking those rolls up soon and hauling them to his
farm on Jone's Ridge. As I drove back across the creek, I took a couple
more pictures and thought about how the creek looked. In one shot, there
appears to be lots of water in the creek, but in the other it's easy to
see how dry the creek really is, especially since it's early June.
I drove the Mule up the driveway, I noticed a Purple Martin kept flying
across the driveway and flying into the little birdhouse in the lily
flower bed. I stopped and watched it make over 20 trips and each time it
flew into the house, I could hear a lot of little chirps.
watching the bird for a while, I parked the Mule and went inside. I came
back out without the camera and drove the Mule across the creek to check
on where I needed to mow. As I crossed the creek, 3 deer ran out into
the middle of the hay field. I think they had come to the creek for
water and I had scared them. They stood in the center of the field as I
stopped the Mule, then they slowly walked back to the edge of the creek
farther upstream where I couldn't see them. After a few minutes I
started the Mule and continued across the creek. When I drove towards
the hill, the deer spooked again and that time they ran into the woods
and disappeared.
Posted on Thursday, June 14, 2007
Stacey Drives and Helping Neighbor
This morning Stacey backed the Mule out of the barn for us to take
another ride around the farm.
wanted to drive and that was OK with me. I could look around and take
pictures while we rode around the farm. We crossed the creek and rode
around the hay fields and then went down the creek since there isn't
much water in it.
stopped at the mum patch and then checked out our tomato plants. We
noticed we actually have some really small tomatoes growing on the vines.
have been going out on Jone's Ridge to help our neighbor, Steve Riddle.
He bought a sickle bar mower at an auction last weekend and needed help
hooking it to his tractor. Steve works days, so we were only working on
it a couple hours during the evening. There were some problems with the
three point hitch being too thick for the old style mower, and with
Wednesday evening off for Steve to go to church, we finally were able to
figure out how it went together and get the mower cutting. It just
happened to be on Steve's birthday too.
was a relief to finally get the mower working and take it a few laps
around the field. I drove the tractor a few laps to check it out while
Steve started another guy named Steve working on a fence. Steve and
Steve have been fencing the entire farm with five strands of barbed
wire. They are sectioning off a pasture and the area around his pole
barn to be separate from another field.
find it a little bit strange that when I was a kid, I refused to bale
hay for money because I had a job at a grocery store or a filling
station, but now, I'm helping bale hay for nothing in 90 degree heat.
Posted on Friday, June 15, 2007
Severe Thunderstorm Hits Farm
Linda left for the daycare and Stacey and I went to Grumpy's for
breakfast. I was meeting Steve Riddle and Stacey was going to eat with
Jason Strange. Jason and Stacey have become friends over the phone.
Stacey first met Jason while he was working at Houchens' Grocery in
Burkesville. We arrived at 8:30 AM and Stacey and Jason sat at a table
and talked while they ate. Steve and I sat at a different table and
talked about the sickle bar mower and that Steve wanted to buy a hay
rake next. After eating Stacey and I returned to the farm and took care
of a few chores, then went back to town for a few items. On the way back
to the farm, I told Stacey that it looked like it was going to storm. I
drove the HHR and the rain began hitting the windshield, before we made
it to the house it was hail hitting the car. I quickly pulled the HHR
into the garage and Cooter followed us inside. The weather became nasty
and the wind was gusting very hard. The white streaks in the pictures
are hail falling.
power blinked off and things were getting blown around on the back
porch. When the hail stopped, it rained hard for a while, then cleared
off and we could hardly tell it had rained once the road dried. The rain
gauge showed that there had been one half inch of rain. Linda came home
from work and said it had rained in town, but had not hailed. I showed
her the pictures and we went for a ride in the Mule to see what damage
had been done, if any. It didn't take long to find damage. The paw paw
tree next to the shed I keep the boat in had half of the limbs blown
next damage we found was the old apple tree near the picnic table had
been twisted and broken.
drove down to the mum patch and noticed that a few of the mums looked
slightly damaged by the hail, but we won't be able to tell how bad for a
few days. After looking at the radar images, it appears that the severe
thunderstorm just popped up over Cumberland County and moved due south
into TN and then fizzled out. It may have been the area that received
rain was 10 miles wide and 20 miles long. We were glad to get a little
bit of rain, but it didn't have to come in the form of hail and a
Posted on Sunday, June 17, 2007
Father's Day Weekend
Saturday morning I had went outside a little before 5:30 AM, started the
Mule and picked up the small tiller from the hay shed, then drove to the
mum patch. I filled it with fuel and started tilling between the mums
going perpendicular to the rows I make with the large tiller. It was
effectively removing the small blades of grass between each mum. I had
fogot how to use the small tiller and it hopped a few times and chewed
off a few mum plants. I soon remembered to let the tiller go by the
plants and pull it backwards past the mum plants. This kept the tiller
from hitting rocks and popping up in the air. I finished a few rows and
would take a break and wipe the sweat off my face, then do more rows. I
finally finished the patch and returned to the house. It was 8:05, so it
had taken two and a half hours to till the patch. I was worn out and
soaking wet. Linda immediately wanted to go see Pauline and Brent, so I
took a shower and cooled off, then dressed and we left for Smith's
Grove. I stopped in Burkesville and bought a Coke at the filling station
and we noticed an almost new round hay baler setting in the used car
lot. I pulled over and asked the saleman how much they wanted for the
baler. He told me a little about it and how much they were asking. We
drove out and headed to P&B's house. As we pulled in, Brent met us, gave
me a Father's Day present and then we went inside and played with their
dogs and Missy.
dressed and we went to Bowling Green, ate at Red Lobster and then made a
few stops at the mall and Goody's. We went back to P&B's house and sat
around looking at pictures and watched a movie. We left for home around
7 PM.
morning Linda fixed breakfast and we hung around the farm. Stacey gave
me a Father's Day present after we were done eatting. Later, I stopped
and talked to Steve for a while on the way to the mum patch, then tilled
between the tomato plants. Stacey and I watched the NASCAR race and then
we went to Albany for burgers. It was a nice weekend, one that I liked,
not much pressure to do anything.
Posted on Monday, June 18, 2007
Home Makers Visit Farm House
Monday was normal for most of the day. Linda fixed breakfast, I mowed,
we went to town for lunch and so on... Stephanie McClain wanted to ride
to the Farm House restaurant for the Home Makers Dinner Out with Linda
in the Mustang with the top down, so in the afternoon, Linda washed her
Mustang and put the top down. Stephanie and her daughter, Hanna, arrived
about 4:30 PM and they loaded in the Mustang with Linda and Stacey and
roared off to meet the rest of the club. The waitresses at the Farm
House were volunteers and their tips were being donated to Relay For
Riddle called and wanted me to come out to his farm, so I drove the
pickup out to his place on Jone's Ridge. Steve and Nancy had found a
small deer and we walked down in a gully where it was laying near a
natural spring.
helped Steve nail some braces on corner posts for the fence they are
putting up and we watched Larry Anderson roll the hay we had cut a few
days ago. He finished the rolling just before a light shower began which
caused us to put the tools away and I headed back to the farm as Nancy
and Steve were locking their gates. Back at the farm, I parked the truck
in the hay shed and as I walked to the house, I noticed that the lilies
that Kim and Kenny gave us had really bloomed out. I stopped and took a
few pictures of the blooms.
and Stacey came home with Stephanie and Hanna riding along with the top
still down. Linda said they had to stop and put the top up once, but
when they drove out of the rain, they wanted the top down again, so she
stopped and lowered it to finish the ride.
Posted on Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Finally a Rainy Day
The rain started early in the morning and continued off and on during
the day. I checked the rain gauge and it showed over an inch and a half.
I took the Mule down to the mum patch and the lower edge of the patch
had water standing. It wasn't covering any of the mums so they should be
OK. We ate lunch at home and then the school called Linda to work at the
day care for the rest of the afternoon. I went outside and set on the
front porch with the camera and watched the hummingbirds. The little
hummers aren't as friendly yet as they were last year, they still set
and wait while another bird is drinking.
hummingbirds seem to wait until one bird is done before another comes to
drink. Sometimes, one bird will run another one away from the feeder.
red throated hummers seem to be more aggressive than the ones with a
green throat. I've noticed some actually seem fat compared to the little
one in the pictures below.
think as time goes on the birds will start being more social at the
feeder. I believe it has to do with plenty of flowers blooming now, so
they don't have to congregate at the feeder. It's not their only source
of food like it will be later in the season. Check out the picture below
from last July.
Posted on Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Julie Norris Makes Early Debut
After 9 PM, the phone rang, it was Brent telling Linda that Pauline was
at the hospital in Bowling Green and he thought her water had broke. He
was on his way to the hospital and Linda told him to call us when he got
there and let us know if Pauline was going to have the baby. He called a
little later and said that it looked like it was going to happen, so we
loaded in the HHR and headed to Bowling Green. I went fairly fast, but
the trip seemed like a long one. Finally, we arrived at the Medical
Center and found our way to the maternity floor a little after 11 PM. We
walked down a long hall and saw Brent along with Pauline's parents,
Dorothy and Larry, gazing through the glass window at Julie Ann Norris.
told us that Julie was born at 10:35 PM and she was 20" long and weighed
8 lb 4 oz. Julie was screaming and looked healthy. A nurse came out and
told us that Pauline was in the recovery room and was doing good and
that she would be in there about an hour. We kept looking through the
window at Julie and the other babies. We were told there were over 50
newborns in the hospital. The hospital played Brahms Lullaby over their
speaker system when a new baby was born and we heard it played a couple
times. The nurses wheeled Pauline out of the recovery room and to the
window so she could see Julie for the first time. They placed Pauline in
her room and put her in bed, then Brent, Dorothy and Larry went in to
see how Pauline was getting along. We gave them a few minutes and then
we went in too.
Dorothy and Larry made sure Pauline was OK they said they were leaving,
so everyone said good bye. I could tell Linda wasn't leaving until she
held Julie, so we asked Brent to GET THE BABY IN THERE! The nurses
brought Julie to the room, gave a short speech about what to do with
Julie at the hospital, had Pauline and Brent sign some papers and then
handed Julie to Pauline.
were asked to leave the room while the nurses checked a few things on
Pauline. Pauline was groggy and not feeling much pain until the nurses
began the pressing on her abdomen. Brent told us that seemed pretty
tough for Pauline. We were able to return to the room and Brent picked
up Julie and held her for a little bit.
it was our turn, we washed our hands and Brent handed Julie to Linda and
a few minutes later, Linda handed her to me.
it was time to let Pauline get some rest. We said good bye and left the
hospital around 2 AM. We went past P&B's house and picked up their dogs.
We let them out, then rounded all three dogs up and headed to the farm.
Posted on Thursday, June 21, 2007
Julie And Pauline Doing Well
didn't visit with Julie and Pauline in the hospital on Thursday, but
Brent posted pictures on his Brent's
Thoughts web site and I have copied them to here. Brent told Linda
that Pauline was doing well and that Julie had been taken for tests and
was eating, so it's sounds like things are going good. We plan on
visiting again on Friday.
Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007
Visiting Julie At The Hospital
Linda worked at the day care in the morning until 1 PM. When she came
home Stacey and I were ready to go to Bowling Green and visit with
Julie, Pauline and Brent at the Medical Center. We stopped and filled
the HHR up with gas and then were on our way. The ride over didn't seem
to take as long because we weren't as anxious about the events as we
were when Pauline delivered Julie. We knocked on the hospital room door
and went inside to find Brent holding Julie and Pauline sitting in bed.
said things had went well and she was feeling pretty good. They had
experienced a few diaper changes and were talking about those and that
Julie had been for a few tests and everything was OK. Linda and I took
turns holding Julie for a little while, then I asked Pauline and Brent
to put some of their clothes on her. Linda and I just sat back and
watched as they both worked to get arms and legs inside the outfit
Pauline had chosen to put on her. 'Misson Accomplished', and without
Julie breaking into an all out scream. Linda and I again took turns
holding Julie until there needed to be a diaper changed.
the diaper change, Brent and Stacey left the hospital to pick up some
sandwiches and while they were gone, Jennifer, Brenda and Tim Lawerance
came in the room. They brought a couple of new outfits for Julie that
were really cute. Brenda and Jennifer took turns holding Julie while
talking with Linda and Pauline. Jennifer said she has been doing OK
after a little bit of knee surgery. Tim and I talked a little bit about
what had happened at our farm since they had been over and then Stacey
and Brent came back. Jennifer, Brenda and Tim stayed until Julie needed
to be fed, then they said their good byes and left. Pauline went into
the bathroom and breast fed Julie while we ate our sandwiches. She came
out and passed Julie back to Brent while she ate. Brent suggested Stacey
take a turn holding Julie and practice reading stories to her. He sat
Stacey down and gave Julie to her, then picked up a book and gave it to
Stacey. Stacey read the book like she had been doing it forever, then
laid the book down and told Brent, "That was pretty easy, you can bring
Julie over, I can baby sit."
and I took another turn holding Julie. Pauline and Brent are really
lucky that Julie is such a good baby. During the entire 4 hours we were
there, Julie only cried when they changed her clothes. With each visit I
see Pauline and Brent gaining experience and more and more becoming
parents. It was time for us to leave, so after saying good bye, we
packed most of the stuff downstairs and Linda drove Brent's car to their
house. Pauline had drove herself from work to the hospital the night she
delivered, so they had two cars at the hospital. After Linda and Stacey
dropped off their HHR, we headed back to the farm in Burkesville with a
short stop at Wal-Mart in Glasgow. We made it home a little after 9 PM.
Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007
Julie and Pauline Released
Once again, I have copied pictures from Brent's
Thoughts web site to this blog. According to the camera's picture
information, Pauline and Julie were released from the hospital at 11:55
went to Jone's for the buffet breakfast and after eating I drove the HHR
to Dale Hollow State Park. We drove through the campground looking for
Jason's family, but didn't see them. I pulled in at the camp store and
Linda asked for their location. They gave her a map and told her which
campsite the Youngs were using, so we drove to that campsite and found
Jason, his brother Bryant, mom Stephanie, and their friends. We sat
around the picnic table and in lawn chairs and chatted for a couple
hours. A little after noon, we said 'see ya' and drove back to the farm.
I told Stacey we were lucky we went to the camp ground early, because we
had a light thunderstorm in the afternoon. I made a CD with 100 images
on it and we went to Wal-Mart and converted those images to 4 by 6 inch
prints. We ate at Taco Bell after leaving Wal-Mart and Linda added some
of the pictures to Julie's Baby Album on the way home. Back at the farm,
I placed the prints in our photo album and put together a frame with an
8 by 10 inch print of Stacey holding Julie.
Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2007
Visiting Julie At Home
Linda woke early and started baking a ham and then a chocolate cake. Once those were done and loaded in the HHR, we headed to Pauline and Brent's house to see their new baby, Julie and return Pico and Poco. We arrived a few minutes after noon and announced the dogs were home before letting them run inside. A few of P&B's neighbors came in a little later, then Pauline's sister, Beth and mom. Dorothy brought P&B a meatloaf and a pumpkin pie. Visitors were able to snack on the cake, pie, ham or meatloaf while we all took turns holding Julie and telling a few tales about Pauline and Brent when they were little. It was funny and a little light hearted ribbing was included some times. Pauline went to the bedroom and fed Julie when she would cry and that would silence the crying. Not a problem the entire day, unless you call a real messy diaper that Brent ran into a problem, well it wasn't a problem for me anyway. :-) We left for home a little before 8 PM with Julie sleeping in her bassinet, Pauline resting in the recliner and Brent playing with their dogs.
Posted on Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tiller Work
I drove the Mule with the trailer behind to the mum patch Monday early
in the morning and used the tiller I had on the trailer to till the
entire patch. It takes over two hours to go through the patch. It looked
like we had lost 8 plants to the heat and dry weather.
morning, Linda and I went early, tilled the patch with the sweet corn,
tomatoes, gourds and some "Indian Corn" closest to the camera in the
in a few days I will run the tiller through the pumpkin patch. I'm
waiting until the plants' vines are growing across the patch. Linda will
move the vines while they are not very long and that will be the last
time we can use the tiller on that patch.
we finished the tilling, we parked the trailer in the barn and unhooked
the Mule, then went inside and took showers. Stacey had made plans to
meet Jason at Grumpy's for breakfast, so we took her and went to eat. We
walked inside and Stacey went over to the table where Jason was at and
sat down. Linda and I sat at another table and ate breakfast. After we
finished, we talked to Jason a little bit before he went to work at
Houchens, then I paid for Stacey's and our breakfast and we went back to
the farm. We were in and out of the house quite often during the day as
it was above 90 degrees and humid. I used the tractor and finish mower
to mow around the mum patch and I noticed some blackberries along the
fence. I knew the berries were there for a while because the briars had
scratched my arms other times when I had mowed. There were some berries
that were ripe and as I made a lap along the fence, I stopped and ate a
few. Between 2 PM and 5 PM it was too hot for me outside, so I stayed
went back out around 5:30 and took a ride in the Mule. I stopped and
talked to our neighbor, Steve for a while, then came home as it looked
like rain. We never did get any rain.
Posted on Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Another Visit to See Julie
We planned on visiting Julie at Pauline and Brent's house Wednesday, so
we also made plans to stop at a couple other places while we were near
Bowling Green. We left home after 9 AM and stopped in Glasgow at Lowe's.
Linda needed to buy new battery powered grass clippers to cut the mums.
She wanted to find a set that would have a battery charger that would
also work with the older clippers. We found a Black & Decker clipper
that has the same plug for the charger, so we bought it and headed on
over to Smith's Grove. As we exited from the Cumberland Parkway, we
stopped at McDonald's and picked up some sandwiches. We took those to
Pauline and Brent's house and we all ate, including all the dogs. We
held Julie and played with the dogs for a while, then changed Julie's
clothes and took pictures of her.
took the memory card for the camera and Stacey, Brent and I went to
Sam's Club. I printed out the pictures and then we shopped for items on
our list. Brent had his own list and Stacey drove the cart for him. We
wound our way through the aisles and then checked out, packed our goods
in the HHR and drove back to P&B's place. Julie was still being a good
baby and Linda was holding her. Linda wanted Julie's footprints in a
baby picture album, so they held her up, placed her feet on a stamp pad,
and then pressed her feet against the page of the album.
cried until they finished washing the ink off her feet, but it didn't
take long for Julie to settle down and go back to being a good baby
after they finished. We watched a movie and after that we left for home
around 7:30 PM.
Posted on Saturday, June 30, 2007
P B & J Visit Farm
Friday evening...
Julie, Pauline and Brent came to visit us, and of
course, Pico and Poco came too. It was lightly raining, so Brent backed
their HHR close to the garage door and parked, then we began unloading
all the items it takes for Julie. We finished the unloading and set down
for a little bit and each held Julie. Pauline and Brent had talked on
the way over that they wanted to go eat pizza and Linda and I had talked
before we knew they were coming that we wanted to eat pizza, so
separately we had agreed we would go to Major's Pizza in Albany. A new
problem presented itself, what vehicle would carry 5 adults and a baby
seat. The pickup was the only choice. Brent transferred the baby seat to
the pickup and then loaded Julie in the carrier facing back in the
middle of the back seat. Everyone else found a seat and away we went.
Pauline and Linda had to take Julie back out to the truck, for a diaper
change, while we were waiting on our food, but other than that, it went
fine. We returned to the farm and talked about the stuff that had
happened since Julie had been born for the rest of the evening.
said that Julie had slept most of the night, till 4 AM. I started the
day by making coffee and omelets. Then the girls decided to watch a
'chick flick' upstairs, so Brent was ready to cut up the apple tree that
had twisted off a few weeks ago. We took the Mule with the trailer and
chain saws to the area where the old house used to stand. We began
cutting the medium size limbs off the trunk and placing them on the
trailer, then hauling them to the creek and sliding the limbs off the
trailer. We continued doing that until most of the limbs were on the
bank of the creek. I brought the tractor over and Brent rolled the
larger pieces in the scoop and I drove to the creek and dumped those. We
also cleaned up the paw paw tree that had split and fell from the wind
and hail. We returned to the house just as the girls were finishing the
movie. The rest of the day was spent inside due to rain falling off and
on. Julie had a few upset moments when she was hungry or had a dirty
diaper, but overall, she is doing good. Brent and Linda took Julie and
walked down to Regina's house to let Regina see Julie, then Linda fixed
hamburgers for supper when they came back. Later in the evening, Nancy
and Steve Riddle brought a gift bag for P,B & J and stayed for a while.
I handed Julie to Steve and after a few minutes he passed her to Nancy.
Nancy held Julie for a while as we talked and Pauline and Brent told
them about how things had went. Around 9:30, I took Julie and put her in
the bassinet that Nancy and Steve had gave us from Nancy's Mom. Nancy
and Steve left a little bit later and Pauline rolled the bassinet into
the bedroom. I guess the baby show was over, so a little after 10 PM
everyone went to bed.