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Posted on Thursday, June 01, 2006

Watering Mums

We planted the mums on Saturday. We watered the mums Monday evening because it hadn't rained and it was above 90 degrees. It has been above 90 degrees all week. It looked like it was going to rain last night, so we were waiting on the rain, but it never happened. So, we had to water the mums this morning instead of last night. It really was better waiting till morning, because it was much cooler than in the late afternoon. We were back to the house before 8 AM and Linda and Stacey started getting ready to leave for IN. They were going to Jessica's wedding and were taking Regina to IN to visit Ruby, her sister. They left a little before 10 AM. I'm supposed to feed the ducks, the dogs and Regina's cat and kittens while they are gone. A thunderstorm arrived about 9:30 PM and dropped a little less than a half inch of rain on the farm.

Posted by at 10:35 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Friday, June 02, 2006

Rain On The Mums

We planted the mums and then had to water them twice afterwards. It was getting drier and we needed rain. Well it came last night and today. Last night we had almost a half inch and today another half inch came down. The mum patch took the water and looks great now, no run off and no puddles.
The pumpkin patch has a little bit of standing water, but it should sink in and be gone without causing any problems. The pumpkin vines are beginning to pop out of the top of the mounds where Trevon, Stacey and Linda planted the seeds.
I noticed that there are small amounts of weeds and grass starting to pop up through the dirt that will require tilling when the ground dries out. Hopefully, next weekend we can fertilize the mums and till the fertilizer into the soil while getting rid of the weeds at the same time.

Posted by at 5:11 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Sunday, June 04, 2006

Mums Tilled

This morning I went out early and finished mowing where I had not done the little house yard because I had run out of daylight yesterday. After putting the mowers back in the hay shed, I took the Mule and hooked up the black trailer and pulled it to the hay shed and started the tiller and put it on the trailer with a gas can. I headed to the mum patch and started tilling the mums. It was cool and a little cloudy, but it didn't take long till I was wringing wet. I worked till I had done half the patch and then I went to the house and fixed lunch right at noon. I had hamburger patties and gave Missy one and poured the grease over Cooter's dog food and he ate it all. I took a break for about an hour while the start of the NASCAR race was on TV. I went back to the mum patch to finish tilling the rest of the patch. I was almost done when Nancy and Steve drove by in their Mule and honked and waved.

I finished the tilling and went home, made a big cup of tea and drove the Mule out on Jone's Ridge to Nancy and Steve's pole barn. Steve was there and we talked a while about his barn and his job. Nancy drove up in their Mule and we talked a little longer, but as we were hearing thunder drawing nearer, I decided to head for our house. Around 6:30 Linda and Stacey came home and had Trevon with them. Around 8:30 the newlyweds, Jessica and Jeff Summers arrived. They are on a honeymoon/vacation and are staying in Glasgow. Stacey and Linda had attended the wedding and we all talked about how it went. Jessica and Jeff were going back to Glasgow around 11 PM so I gave them directions to their hotel and Trevon stayed with us for the night.

Posted by at 11:43 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Monday, June 05, 2006

Jessica and Jeff Visit

I fixed breakfast and Trevon, Stacey and I ate, Linda had already ate cereal. I headed to the hay shed and started the little tractor and went to the mum patch. I was bush hogging it when Steve Riddle stopped and told me about eventually losing his job at Belden Cable in Tompkinsville. He said it would take till the end of 2007 to completely close the place, but he didn't know how long he would be allowed to work. I told him that was what happened in Anderson to the GM employees and it would keep happening until people started voting for someone besides the Republicans. We talked for a while and when he left I finished the bush hogging and drove back to the hay shed. Jessica and Jeff arrived and Linda fixed us all lunch. As soon as we were done eating we rode 4-wheelers around the farm to let everyone get used to riding. After returning to the house, we took a longer ride out on Jone's Ridge and down Beech Branch and back.

When we came back to the house Jessica and Jeff were tired and took naps.
Linda fixed us supper of pork tenderloins with mashed potatoes and corn casserole for supper. We had to wake them up to eat and after eating they left about 8 PM for the motel in Glasgow.

Posted by at 9:27 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Day Bush Hogging

Jessica and Jeff brought Trevon back yesterday evening after having him for a day and taking him to Valley of the Dinosaurs near Cave City. They stayed till about 9 PM and then went back to the motel.
Everyone was a little slow getting up this morning so I left the house early and started the tractor and hooked up the bush hog. I went around the north most hay field and then cut the hill side going back in the 'holler'. It took a little over two hours to do that and once it was finished I went back to the house and everyone was awake. Linda fixed lunch and after eating I headed to the other farm and bush hogged around the hay field there. I then went behind Regina's old house and drove to the back of that 'holler' bush hogging as I went in and came out. Linda met me on the way out with Trevon and Stacey in the Mule. They watched for a while as I bush hogged the field in front of the old barn back there. It was 4 PM when I came back to the house and took a break. A little later, Linda fixed us all supper and then I went back out and bush hogged the weeds growing on the slope in front of the house where the water has cut a gully Then I drove across the creek and went around the last hay field. There is a tree down over there that will need to be cut up for fire wood soon. The leaves are almost dried out. So I finished that field and came back across the creek and did the creek bank. It was nearly dark as I mixed up some vegetation killer and sprayed it on the driveway and around some of the flower beds.

Posted by at 9:02 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Thursday, June 08, 2006

Getting Ready for Dale Hollow

One of the nice features of retirement is being able to work one day and then not work the next if you so choose. After being on the tractor almost all day yesterday, today was one of the days where I didn't work much. I did load Trevon and Stacey into the HHR with me and we went to the grocery store for 'stuff' to take boating tomorrow. We bought 4 cases of pop, half a ham, 6 packs of buns, 5 bags of chips, dip and salsa, 2 packs of cookies, grapes and I don't know what else. We came back and had sandwiches and then went down to the hay shed and worked on cleaning up the boat and finding all the other stuff we take with us. That didn't take long and Trevon and Stacey played basketball after we were done working. Later, I found Linda setting on the creek bank with Trevon waist deep in the water. He picked out lots of rocks to take back to Nana while throwing the rest across the water. He has learned to skip rocks a little better.
These pictures remind me of when I was a kid about Trevon's age living here. I told Linda, Trevon needed a cane pole with a little boat on a string tied to the end like I used to play with in the creek.

Posted by at 6:28 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Friday, June 09, 2006

Dale Hollow Trip

Linda fixed sausage biscuits for breakfast and then we began getting ready to go to Dale Hollow Lake. The girls were finishing breakfast while Jeff and I went to get the truck and hook up the boat and trailer. We pulled it up to the house and loaded in all our stuff and everyone and drove out the drive and down the road. BAM! We had a tire blow out less than a mile from the house. I turned the truck and trailer around and drove back to the hay shed where Jeff and I took off the blown tire and put on the spare. In less than 20 minutes we were back on the road to the lake. We stopped and filled the boat with gas and headed on South out of town towards the Dale Hollow Lake Stage Park. We had just pasted the Chevy Dealer, when I thought we had another blow out on the trailer, but everyone said we had just run over a piece of a tire laying in the road. I kept watching the trailer tires and nothing happened, so I drove on to the lake. We uncovered the boat and launched it with everyone in the boat while I parked the truck and trailer. The boat started and we were boating away from the dock. It was all going great. We pulled into a cove and Jeff, Stacey and I jumped in the water. It was a bit brisk for the first 20 seconds, but then it seemed OK. Trevon put his jacket on and we laid him on a kneeboard in the lake. It was his first time in deep water, but he did pretty good. His problem spots were leaving the board and getting back on the boarding ladder to climb in the boat.
We ate some snacks and moved to a larger cove for Jeff to ski and kneeboard.
We ate ham sandwiches and chips for lunch and then everyone went in the water for a swim to relax and cool off a little.
We moved and ate a few more times and before we knew it, the time had slipped away, and it was 5 PM. We made the half hour ride back to the boat dock and put the boat on the trailer, cleaned up the inside and put the cover on the boat.
As we were tying up the cover ropes, we looked at the trailer and noticed there were tire marks on the opposite side from where the tire had blown out. We looked closer, and sure enough the other tire had throwed the tread off the casing when everyone said I hit a piece of tire on the road. There was NO tread left on the casing. I decided to park the boat in the upper lot and not take a chance on it blowing out on the way home. We drove on home in the truck. Trevon, Jessica and Jeff left a little after 8 PM and headed to the motel in Glasgow.

Posted by at 10:04 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Saturday, June 10, 2006

Dale Hollow Day Two

Stacey, Linda and I woke up early and decided we were going to go back to Dale Hollow to take the tires off the boat trailer. We loaded the jack and some tools in the truck and drove to Burkesville. I thought I would look to see what time Jeff's Tire Service opened. Hmm, they weren't open on Saturday at all. Well, that changed the plans. We went directly to the Corner to eat breakfast and then headed back home. As we drove up the driveway we could see that Pauline and Brent were at our house. We talked about the tires and decided to go boating and take the tires off the trailer after we had finished. We packed the coolers and headed to the lake about 9:30. We hooked up the trailer in the parking lot and pulled it down to the lake and launched the boat. We didn't go far away, just over to our favorite cove and enjoyed swimming and lounging on the water.
We cooled off in the lake, then ate lunch and took a ride after eating. We stopped in a cove and swam for a long time until, a boat close to us wouldn't start, so we helped them by jumping their boat from our boat's battery. Their boat's starter had locked up, they beat it loose and then we jumped started the boat and they were on their way. Since we had everyone in the boat and had loaded everything up, we decided to head on in and take the boat out of the water. It was a little after 4 PM when we pulled off the boat ramp and parked the boat and trailer in the upper parking lot. Brent and I took the two wheels and tires off the trailer while the girls cleaned up the boat and then we covered it up and unhooked the truck from the trailer. We drove home and went inside, then Stacey began to have some seizure problems. She was starting to have involuntary muscle movements, indicating the possibility of having a seizure, but never had one. I gave her one of her diazepam and it took a few minutes to kick in to effect. We all set in the bedroom and watched TV and Stacey until she was feeling better. She was tired, but not having any involuntary movements. Finally, Linda and her went to bed in the front bedroom. She was OK all night and the next morning.

Posted by at 10:38 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Monday, June 12, 2006

A Busy Monday

I started our day by fixing ham and cheese omelets for breakfast. Then I took the truck and went to town to Jeff's Auto Service. There I bought two new tires for $167 to put on the boat trailer. They put 6 ply radial trailer tires on the rims and balanced them. It took about a half hour, after which I returned to the house and picked up Stacey and Linda. We went to Dale Hollow State Park, where I had left the boat, and put the tires on the trailer, hooked it to the truck and towed the boat home. I backed it in the shed and unhooked the truck. Linda drove the truck to the school while working from 1 till 5:30. Stacey and I went to Celina TN in the HHR and paid $57 to register the boat for the next three years. They said the new registration sticker would be mailed to our address so we headed back to Burkesville and ate at Subway. We were surprised to see Denise there and talked with her while we ate. She mention she had been in the hospital and also told us about what had been going on with her daughter, Casey. Back at home, we drove the Mule to the mum patch and took the small tiller. Stacey watched as I tilled between the mums to remove the last bit of grass and weeds from the patch. I was almost done when Linda came home from working and rode the 4-wheeler down to the patch. She straightened out some of the dirt where I had piled it up around a few of the mums. Then she went back to the house and began mowing the yard in front of the house. I finished tilling and we drove back to the hay shed and unloaded the tiller, then Stacey parked the Mule by the house while I took the other mower and began trimming the ditches and places that were tougher to mow. I finished those areas and went in to check on Stacey, then went back outside and took over mowing and finished the barn lot. Linda and Stacey drove up on Jone's Ridge to deliver some of the home decorations from a party Linda hosted a couple weeks ago.

Posted by at 9:55 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Mostly Mowing

Linda worked a half day at the school run day care, and when she came home, we both began mowing. I had already mowed at the little house in the morning while she worked, so we started on the trailer yard. Linda mowed around the trailer and I mowed the bank along the road, the creek bank and along the gully. I finished the back yard at the trailer, while Linda started mowing around the lower barn and the flowers near the fire pit. I mowed along the highway by the hay field and then mowed the area near the creek. After we finished mowing, we drove the Mule down and checked out the mum and pumpkin patches, then returned to the house and picked up Stacey and drove the Mustang, with the top down, to Columbia and ate at Sonic. We took Missy along for the ride and saved a sandwich that I fed to Cooter when we made it back home.
Some of our 'smallest visitors' have came back. One or two have been here for a few weeks, but now they are starting to swarm the hummingbird feeder.

Posted by at 11:31 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Thursday, June 15, 2006

Visiting Pauline and Brent

Stacey, Linda and I left for Smith's Grove early in the HHR by taking 90 west out of Burkesville. In between the town of 88 and Glasgow we witnessed a 3 car wreck. Two vehicles were stopped and a third car plowed into them from the rear, tearing up one side of the first car hit and knocking the second car hit across the road and into a yard, then the third car knocked down two mailboxes and crashed into a telephone pole. Remarkably no one was injured critically. One woman driving the car that caused all of the damage was taken to the hospital, but it appeared her minor injuries were mostly from her air bag deploying. We helped pick up debris and direct traffic until the ambulance and police arrived, then continued on our way. We arrived at P&B's house and messaged Brent, who came home along with a coworker, Lamar. We loaded into Brent's HHR and rode along to Bowling Green for them to take a package to the UPS store. We stopped at 'Toots', where we met Pauline and ate lunch. Brent and Lamar dropped off their package and then went to Home Depot for a few items for school work. Brent drove back to the school building they work at and we went inside for a little while. Everyone but Lamar went back to the house and Linda and Brent worked on the 65 Mustang. I sprayed some weed killer on the flower beds and Stacey watched TV and the dogs. Pauline came home about 5:30 and after talking for a while we went back to Bowling Green and ate at Mancino's and then to buy a video cable for the xBox. Pauline bought a small 'baby fence' to place in their doorway to contain their dogs during the day while only the dogs are home. We returned to their house and stayed until about 10:30 and then drove home.

Posted by at 11:57 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Saturday, June 17, 2006

A Dale Hollow Visit

We had a phone message the other day wanting us to come to the lake so we loaded up our stuff, hooked up the Sea Ray and headed to the lake this morning after I fixed us a sausage and egg breakfast. We stopped and filled the boat with gas and trucked on towards the lake without any problems this time. We had the boat in the water and leaving the dock by about 9:10, which is early for Linda to be on the lake. We boated out past Trooper Island and stopped the boat and Stacey and I jumped in the water. Then we climbed back inside and we all cleaned the boat a little as it idled toward our favorite cove to meet Bonnie and Donnie Cox. The lake was a little choppy for as early as we were out, but the breeze felt great. We pulled into the cove and dropped anchor. I popped open my first beer and declared myself President of the 'Redneck Yacht Club', like the song by the same name. A few minutes later, Bonnie and Donnie arrived and my first appointment was to make Donnie the Vice President. We tied the boats together and enjoyed a lazy day on the lake, swimming, drinking, and talking about stuff. Bonnie and Donnie left for Star Point about 5:30 to take their boat out and clean it up before putting it in storage as they were planning on leaving the next day for IN. We stayed a little longer and then took a slow ride towards the State Park dock. We stopped for a while and enjoyed the peaceful water before sunset. Stacey drove us back to the dock and we pulled off the lake before dark and towed the boat back to the shed at the farm.

Posted by at 9:45 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Sunday, June 18, 2006

Looks Like Rain

I checked the radar on the PC this morning and it looked like it would rain in a couple of hours, so I asked Linda if she wanted to fertilize the mums before it rained. She did, so we gathered up the stuff and put it in the Mule and headed down to the patch about 6 AM. Linda sprinkled a small amount of fertilizer around each mum and I went behind using a rake to cover it and smooth the dirt around the plants. We stopped after Linda had fertilized the entire patch and I had raked half of the patch. We went back to the house and ate Pop Tarts and drank orange juice for breakfast along with Stacey. Returning to the patch, Linda started on the other end and we worked towards each other until finished and then went back to the house about 8:30 and relaxed a little and waited for the rain. About 10:30 it began to rain and it wet the sidewalk a little and that was it. WHAT? I checked the radar and it looked like it was still going to rain in about an hour. The next time, the rain didn't even wet the sidewalk. All day it looked like it was about to rain outside and on the radar, but we never received enough to do any good. Finally, I decided to bush hog the flat area on the hill behind the pole barn and not worry about the rain. I finished that and went inside at dark with the radar still looking like it would rain any time...

UPDATE - Monday morning:
We did receive three tenths of an inch of rain overnight.

Posted by at 8:24 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Monday, June 19, 2006

Campbellsville Trip

After Linda came home from working at the day care we left for Campbellsville in the HHR. The first stop was at the tractor dealer in Columbia to buy a couple spring clips for the blue Ford tractor. Next stop was to eat fish and drink root beer. Then we stopped at the Wal-Mart and bought several jewelry items for the kids to make their own bracelets at the school. Linda is paid to teach them how to make the bracelets and provide the materials also. Next, I went to TSC while Stacey and Linda bought shorts at Goody's next door. When they finished there I dropped them off at Penny's while I waited in the car. Linda then wanted to stop at Lowe's to buy some flowers for the day care. She is planning on the kids planting them in front of the building. We made the trip back home and listened to two new CDs Stacey bought.

Posted by at 8:36 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First Day of Summer

I fixed omelets for Linda and I and then took the little tractor to bush hog around the mum patch. I was listening to the MP3 player and roasting in the sun as I finished bush hogging around the mums and then started around Regina's old house. I was almost finished with that area when I killed the tractor and it wouldn't restart. I called for Linda on the FSRadio to come and pick me up, but Stacey answered and told me Linda was down at the mum patch. A few minutes later she came over, saying when she didn't hear the tractor running she decided to check out why. We rode back to the house in the Mule and were talking about how hot it seemed. It was 11 AM when we went inside the house and the thermometer registered 90 degrees. Once inside, with a glass of ice water, we decided to go to the lake. It didn't take long and we were ready, with the boat hooked up and drinks in a small cooler. In town, I put gas in the truck and then dropped Linda off at the square for her to go to Subway and pick up some sandwiches for lunch on the lake. Stacey and I took the DVDs back to the video shack and stopped at the grocery to buy chips, cookies and grapes. We went back and picked up Linda and were on the way to the lake fairly quickly. We unloaded the boat and parked the truck and were boating out towards the lake by 12:30. Stacey drove the boat towards the middle of the lake, where we anchored and went swimming for a while. Each time we have went the water seems to be getting warmer. We lounged in the water for over an hour, then ate our sandwiches and Stacey drove us to Willow Grove, where we went inside and Stacey and I bought new shirts. Back out on the lake, we went to Pusley's Creek and anchored there for an hour or two. More swimming for me and laying on rafts for the girls. Stacey drove the boat back to the State Park Dock and we took it off the lake a little before 5 PM. The entire time we were on the lake was 'smooth sailing'. It was the middle of the week and not many boats were on the lake (compared to a weekend), the wind was almost nonexistent, so there weren't many boat wakes and hardly any ripples on the water. The term 'like glass' applied very aptly to a large part of the lake. We drove home and unhooked from the boat, parked the truck in the hay shed and drove the Mule to the house. Later, Linda took me back to the tractor, which I restarted and finished bush hogging around Regina's old house and then drove it back to the hay shed. Linda stopped at the mum patch and was staking the tomatoes.

Posted by Dave at 9:40 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Thursday, June 22, 2006

Farm Work

Linda and I went to the mum patch about 6:15 to till the mums. Linda went through first with a hoe, chopping out close to the plants that had weeds or grass growing right next to them. I went through with the large tiller chopping up the weeds and grass in the middle of the rows and turning the soil to a fine powder. We noticed that our fertilizer had cause several plants to die or their leaves to have black spots on them. We either got fertilizer on the plants or too close. Next time we will need to be careful not to do the same thing again. It was hot as we finished the tilling and headed back to the house around 8:45. We both took showers and watched two movies while recuperating. Linda went to a dinner with some of the women in the Home Makers Club at 3 PM. I went outside and mowed the yard and the slope in front of the house and the barnyard. It was a scorcher, I had trouble keeping the sweat from running into my eyes and I was just using the riding mower. I finished the mowing and walked to the house as Linda was coming home. She went to mow the little house yard and talk to Regina. I took my second shower for the day and relaxed while watching TV with Stacey.

Posted by at 9:00 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Saturday, June 24, 2006

Somer Nights Cruise In

Pauline and Brent came over early with their little dogs. Linda and Brent were wanting to go to Somerset to walk through the town and look at the hot rods and custom cars that cruise in on the fourth Saturday of each month during the summer. We left home a little after 10 AM and drove the HHR to Somerset. By the time we made it to highway 27, everyone was ready to eat, so I picked a place called the 'Golden Corral', that we had never ate at before, and we went inside. It was a buffet type restaurant, so everyone picked out their drinks and then we were seated. The waitresses brought empty plates and told us to go help our selves to whatever we wanted at the food bars. There were quite a lot of choices, and all of us ate till we were too full. After we left, Linda and Stacey were even complaining about their 'bellies hurting' from too much food in them. We then went to a couple of furniture stores and looked through those places, then to Paul's Discount, Big Lots and a few other odd shops. Around 4 PM, we drove to the center of town and parked a couple blocks off the town square. The roads were blocked off and all sorts of cars were angle parked along the streets and in most of the business' parking lots. We walked through the town streets looking at the cars and checking out even closer some of the nicer cars.
After walking around the center section of town for over an hour, we had made it back to our parked HHR just as it was beginning to sprinkle rain. We all loaded inside, I turned the car around in the street and we headed for the parkway towards home. We hadn't went a mile when it began to pour down rain and Pauline remarked about how we were lucky to have made it around the town and back to the car just in time to avoid getting soaked. As we drove towards home we went through several more rain showers and stopped in Columbia at the grocery store. Then on to the house where Pauline and Linda fixed us BLTs for supper, after which, we watched TV the rest of the evening.

Posted by at 10:28 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Monday, June 26, 2006

Blooming Flowers

After getting an inch and a half of rain over the weekend, the flowers are bursting with blooms.
Our flower bed under the half bath window has really shown improvement this year.
The pictures below are of the flower bed we created with the daylilies that Kim and Kenny gave us.

Posted by at 9:12 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Dale Hollow Trip

Pauline and Brent came over early and we loaded up the truck and boat and went to the lake after playing with their dogs a little bit. We headed south out of the State Park Dock towards Sunset Marina and after about a half hour of running pulled into a cove near a place everyone calls 'Five Fingers' and enjoyed swimming for a while. About 11:30 we climbed back aboard and moved on to Sunset, where we tied up, went inside and ordered our lunches. While lunch was being prepared we went to the marina's store and checked out their shirts and stuff, then back to our table and ate. Once back on the water after a half hour ride, we found another cove and laid in the sun and played in the water for a couple hours. We began our ride back to the State Park, but took an extra side trip to Wisdom Dock and looked through the store there too. We went to the end of Fanny's Creek, where Brent decided to try out the slalom ski course. He didn't do so hot, but he enjoyed the skiing anyway because the water there was 'like glass'. Early in the day, the lake seemed deserted and really calm, but during the ride back to the State Dock, I noticed that more boats were on the lake than earlier in the day. I believe people were starting to come in for the 4th of July holiday. We pulled the boat off the lake a little before 5 PM and wiped it down, covered it up and headed back to the farm, where I parked it in the shed. We unhooked, parked the truck and went inside and ate ham sandwiches for supper, then watched TV to relax the rest of the evening. Overall, another great day on the lake.

Posted by at 8:42 PM
Categories: Current Events

Posted on Thursday, June 29, 2006

New Mower for Regina

Linda fixed us sausage biscuits for breakfast, then Pauline and Brent left for IN early in the morning. We are dog sitting for Pico and Poco for the next few days. Linda and I went outside about 9:30 and began mowing around the house, then the front yard, the barn lot and the little house yard. We finished a little before noon and went inside for a couple of cool drinks. Later in the day, Regina called me and asked me to come over and help her with her mower. I went over to her house and Linda was there mowing on one of our mowers, Regina showed me she had bought a new mower. We started it and followed the instructions on starting and stopping the mower deck. As we were doing that, the belt came off that drives the mower deck, so I had to get my toolbox and replace the belt. After that, there were no more problems and the new mower really does a nice job. She bought a John Deere with a 48 inch cut and a 22 hp motor. It has a hydrostatic drive, so it will be easy for Regina to use, once she gets used to not having a clutch and transmission. I finished mowing her yard with it after she had tried driving it around the yard for a few minutes.

Posted by at 8:48 PM
Categories: Current Events